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1 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41701239,县域尺度表层土壤有机碳密度空间格局及影响因素定量刻画,2018/01-2020/1226万元,主持

2 3044am永利集团3044noc博士科研启动项目,2452016190,基于贝叶斯最大熵的土壤属性空间定量分析研究,2016/09-2018/1220万元,已结题,主持


1. Wang YC#, Zhang CT#, Gao J#, Chen ZQ, Liu Z, Huang JB, Chen YD, Li ZC, Chang N, Tao YX, Tang H, Gao XJ, Xu Y, Wang C, Li D, Liu XB, Pan JX, Cai Wj, Gong P, Luo Y, Liang WN, Liu QY, Stenseth NC, Yang RF, Xu L. 2024. Spatiotemporal trends of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in China under climate variation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121(4), e2312556121.

2. Zhao XN, Zheng YT, Wang W, Wang Z, Zhang QF, Liu JC, Zhang CT*. 2023. Habitat Suitability Evaluation of Different Forest Species in Lvliang Mountain by Combining Prior Knowledge and MaxEnt Model. Forests 14(2), 438.

3. Stenseth NC#, Tao YX#, Zhang CT#, Bramanti B, Büntgen U, Cong XB, Cui YJ, Zhou H, Dawson LA, Mooney SJ, Li D, Fell HG, Cohn S, Sebbane F, Slavin P, Liang WN, Tong H, Yang RF, Xu L. 2022. No evidence for persistent natural plague reservoirs in historical and modern Europe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119(51), e2209816119.

4. Zhang CT, Yang Y. 2020. Modeling the spatial variations in anthropogenic factors of soil heavy metal accumulation by geographically weighted logistic regression. Science of The Total Environment 717, 137096.

5. Ta N#, Zhang CT#, Ding HR, Zhang QF. 2020. Effect of tillage, slope, and rainfall on soil surface microtopography quantified by geostatistical and fractal indices during sheet erosion. Open Geosciences 12(1), 232-241.

6. Zhang CT, Yang Y. 2019a. Can the spatial prediction of soil organic matter be improved by incorporating multiple regression confidence intervals as soft data into BME method? CATENA 178, 322-334.

7. Zhang CT, Yang Y. 2019b. Improving the spatial prediction of soil Zn by converting outliers into soft data for BME method. Stochastic Environmental Research And Risk Assessment 33(3), 855-864.

8. Zhang CT, Yang Y, Li WD, Zhang CR, Zhang RX, Mei Y, Liao XS, Liu YY. 2015. Spatial distribution and ecological risk assessment of trace metals in urban soils in Wuhan, central China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187(9), 1-16.

9. Zhang CT, Yang Y. 2013. Spatial prediction of soil organic matter using Bayesian maximum entropy with histogram soft data. In: F. Bian, Y. Xie, X. Cui, Y. Zeng (Eds.), Geo-Informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem: International Symposium, GRMSE 2013, Wuhan, China, November 8-10, 2013, Proceedings, Part I. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 674-683.10.1007/978-3-642-45025-9_66

10. Zhou C, Wheelock SM, Zhang CT, Ma J, Li ZC, Liang WN, Xu L. 2024. Country-specific determinants for covid-19 case fatality rate and response strategies from a global perspective: an interpretable machine learning framework. Population Health Metrics 22(1), 10

11. Stenseth NC, Bramanti B, Büntgen U, Fell HG, Cohn S, Sebbane F, Slavin P, Zhang CT, Yang RF, Xu L. 2023. Reply to Alfani: Reconstructing past plague ecology to understand human history. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120(11), e2300760120.

12. Gao J, Zhou C, Liang HW, Jiao R, Wheelock M, Jiao KD, Ma J, Zhang CT, Guo YM, Luo ST, Liang WN, Xu L. 2023. Monkeypox outbreaks in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: Network and clustering analyses of global risks and modified SEIR prediction of epidemic trends. Frontiers in Public Health 11.

13. Zhou C, Wheelock AM, Zhang CT, Ma J, Dong KX, Pan JX, Li ZC, Liang WN, Gao J, Xu L. 2023. The role of booster vaccination in decreasing COVID-19 age-adjusted case fatality rate: Evidence from 32 countries. Frontiers in Public Health 11.

14. Yu XQ, Zhao YM, Zhang CT, Yang CF, Ouyang ZZ, Liu P, Guo XT, Zhu LY. 2022. Abundance and characteristics of microplastics in the surface water and sediment of parks in Xi'an city, Northwest China. Science of the Total Environment 806, 150953

15. Huang DF, Li XY, Ouyang Z, Zhao XN, Wu RR, Zhang CT, Lin C, Li YY, Guo XT. 2021. The occurrence and abundance of microplastics in surface water and sediment of the West River downstream, in the south of China. Science of The Total Environment 756, 143857.

16. Li JL, Ouyang Z, Liu P, Zhao XN, Wu RR, Zhang CT, Lin C, Li YY, Guo XT. 2021. Distribution and characteristics of microplastics in the basin of Chishui River in Renhuai, China. Science of The Total Environment 773, 145591.

17. Ding L, Zhang SY, Wang XY, Yang XM, Zhang CT, Qi YB, Guo XT. 2020. The occurrence and distribution characteristics of microplastics in the agricultural soils of Shaanxi Province, in north-western China. Science of The Total Environment 720.

18. Liu KK, Hou X, Ren ZP, Lowe R, Wang YG, Li RY, Liu XB, Sun JM, Lu L, Song XP, Wu HX, Wang J, Yao WW, Zhang CT, Sang SW, Gao Y, Li J, Li JP, Xu L, Liu QY. 2020. Climate factors and the East Asian summer monsoon may drive large outbreaks of dengue in China. Environmental Research 183, 109190.

19. Xu CY, Zhou TT, Wang CL, Liu HY, Zhang CT, Hu FN, Zhao SW, Geng ZC. 2020. Aggregation of polydisperse soil colloidal particles: Dependence of Hamaker constant on particle size. Geoderma 359, 113999.

20. Christakos G, Yang Y, Wu JP, Zhang CT, Mei Y, He JY. 2018. Improved space-time mapping of PM2.5 distribution using a domain transformation method. Ecological Indicators 85, 1273-1279.

21. Yang Y, Mei Y, Zhang CT, Zhang RX, Liao XS, Liu YY. 2016a. Heavy metal contamination in surface soils of the industrial district of Wuhan, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 22(1), 126-140.

22. Christakos G, Zhang CT, He JY. 2017. A traveling epidemic model of space-time disease spread. Stochastic Environmental Research And Risk Assessment 31(2), 305-314.

23. Yang Y, Zhang CT, Zhang RX. 2016b. BME prediction of continuous geographical properties using auxiliary variables. Stochastic Environmental Research And Risk Assessment 30(1), 9-26.

24. Yang Y, Zhang CT, Zhang RX, Christakos G. 2015. Improving environmental prediction by assimilating auxiliary information. Journal of Environmental Informatics 26(2), 91-105.

25. 冯晓琳,闫雨阳,张欣然,张楚天,耿增超,胡斐南,许晨阳.2024. 30年陕西土壤有机碳的时空变化特征及影响因素[J/OL].环境科学. https://doi.org/10.13227/j.hjkx.202311169

26. 冯晓琳, 张楚天, 许晨阳, 耿增超, 胡斐南, 杜伟. 2024. 陕西省土壤无机碳的时空分布特征及影响因素. 中国农业科学, 57(8), 1517-1532.

27. 张楚天, 杨勇, 贺立源, 季世民, 刘颖颖. 2014. 基于环境因子和联合概率方法的土壤有机质空间预测. 土壤学报 (03), 666-673.

28. 张楚天, 杨勇, 杨中华, 黄丰. 2013. 江河突发性水污染事故动态模拟与预警——以长江武汉段为例. 长江流域资源与环境 (10), 1363-1368.

29. 梅杨, 党丽娜, 杨勇, 刘颖颖, 张若兮, 廖祥森, 张楚天. 2016. 基于时空克里格的PM_(2.5)时空预测及分析. 环境科学与技术 (07), 157-163.

30. 张若兮, 杨勇, 张楚天. 2015. 基于范畴型变量和贝叶斯最大熵的土壤有机质空间预测. 土壤通报 46(02), 312-318.

31. 杨勇, 梅杨, 张楚天, 张若兮, 廖祥森. 2014. 基于时空克里格的土壤重金属时空建模与预测. 农业工程学报 (21), 249-255.

32. 杨勇, 张楚天, 贺立源. 2013. 基于贝叶斯最大熵的多因子空间属性预测新方法. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) 39(06), 636-644.

33. 龙腾, 王景凯, 张楚天, 徐作鹏, 苗洁. 2011. 基于GISRS技术的测土配方施肥系统设计与实现. 安徽农业科学 39(28), 17588-17593.

34. 杨勇,张楚天,蒋娟. 联合概率空间预测系统V1.0. 2013,国家版权局,软著登字第0593749号(软件著作权)

35. 张楚天,杨勇,赵明登,杨中华. 河流水质动态演示系统V1.0. 2012,国家版权局,软著登字第0588740号(软件著作权)


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