来航线,男,1964年出生,陕西礼泉人,3044am永利集团3044noc教授、博士研究生导师。1989年至今在3044am永利集团3044noc从事教学科研工作。现任3044am永利集团3044noc土壤修复与健康中心副主任,中国植物营养与肥料学会肥料工艺与设备专业委员会委员、陕西省微生物学会理事、陕西省农村能源环保产业技术体系专家、陕西省科技特派员、陕西省农用微生物科技创新联盟副理事长,陕西省生态农牧业发展促进会副会长。2008年获3044am永利集团3044noc土壤学博士学位。2009、2010 和 2014 年先后到日本、以色列和澳大利亚进行学习交流。先后担任3044am永利集团3044noc微生物教研组主任、资源科学系主任共 14 年。2021年获中国高等教育学会典型案例奖2项。
1. Zhao Y, Sun C, Wang S, Zhang M, Li Y, Xue Q, et al. Widely targeted metabolomic, transcriptomic, and metagenomic profiling reveal microbe–plant–metabolic reprogramming patterns mediated by Streptomyces pactum Act12 enhance the fruit quality of Capsicum annuum L. Food Research International. 2023;166:112587.
2. Guo Q, Shi M, Chen L, Zhou J, Zhang L, Li Y, et al. The biocontrol agent Streptomyces pactum increases Pseudomonas koreensis populations in the rhizosphere by enhancing chemotaxis and biofilm formation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2020;144:107755.
3. Guo Q, Sun C, Jing Y, Yang S, Li H, Xue Q, et al. Pseudomonas koreensis culture filtrate alleviates tomato drought stress: modulation of antioxidant systems coupled with the porphyrin and chlorophyll–photosynthesis–fructose and mannose axis. Plant and Soil. 2023;484(1-2):237-56.
4. Guo Q, Sun Y, Shi M, Han X, Jing Y, Li Y, et al. Pseudomonas koreensis promotes tomato growth and shows potential to induce stress tolerance via auxin and polyphenol‐related pathways. Plant and Soil. 2021;462:141-58.
5. Ji C, Zhang M, Kong Z, Chen X, Wang X, Ding W, et al. Genomic analysis reveals potential mechanisms underlying promotion of tomato plant growth and antagonism of soilborne pathogens by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Ba13. Microbiology Spectrum. 2021;9(3):e01615-21.
6. Li H, Luo N, Ji C, Li J, Zhang L, Xiao L, et al. Liquid organic fertilizer amendment alters rhizosphere microbial community structure and co-occurrence patterns and improves sunflower yield under salinity-alkalinity stress. Microbial ecology. 2021:1-16.
7. Li Y, Guo Q, He F, Li Y, Xue Q, Lai H. Biocontrol of root diseases and growth promotion of the tuberous plant Aconitum carmichaelii induced by Actinomycetes are related to shifts in the rhizosphere microbiota. Microbial ecology. 2020;79:134-47.
8. Li Y, Guo Q, Li Y, Sun Y, Xue Q, Lai H. Streptomyces pactum Act12 controls tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease and alters rhizosphere microbial communities. Biology and fertility of soils. 2019;55:149-69.
9. Li Y, He F, Guo Q, Feng Z, Zhang M, Ji C, et al. Compositional and functional comparison on the rhizosphere microbial community between healthy and Sclerotium rolfsii-infected monkshood (Aconitum carmichaelii) revealed the biocontrol potential of healthy monkshood rhizosphere microorganisms. Biological Control. 2022;165:104790.
10. Li Y, Li H, Han X, Han G, Xi J, Liu Y, et al. Actinobacterial biofertilizer improves the yields of different plants and alters the assembly processes of rhizosphere microbial communities. Applied Soil Ecology. 2022;171:104345.
11. Liu Z, Guo Q, Feng Z, Liu Z, Li H, Sun Y, et al. Long-term organic fertilization improves the productivity of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis Planch.) through increasing rhizosphere microbial diversity and network complexity. Applied Soil Ecology. 2020;147:103426.
12. Guo Q, Li Y, Lou Y, Shi M, Jiang Y, Zhou J, et al. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Ba13 induces plant systemic resistance and improves rhizosphere microecology against tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease. Applied Soil Ecology. 2019;137:154-66.
13. 郭俏,肖莉,李进,孙晨瑜,符慧晶,舒小龙,薛泉宏,来航线*. 绿肥介导的土壤代谢物-微生物变化缓解草莓自毒并增产提质[J/OL].土壤学报. 2023-09-21.北大核心
14. 孙一凡,刘喆,李海洋,郑泽浩,纪成隆,郭俏,来航线*.侧孢芽孢杆菌Bl13对番茄早疫病防治效果及机制.应用生态学报.2020/10/22.北大核心
15. 娄义,郭俏,彭楚,石孟迪,李海洋,李肖, 薛泉宏,来航线*.3 株芽孢杆菌对番茄的促生作用及对番茄根域微生物的影响. 应用生态学报. 2018/1/15. 北大核心
代表省科技厅、农业厅参与农林弃物肥料化利用、退化土壤生物修复及化肥农药减施增效、生物饲料与生态养殖等方面指导、评审和验收等工作;研制出用于农业废弃物无害化处理微生物发酵剂 2 套、抑病促生优良活性生物菌剂 4 套、养分活化生物菌剂 2 套,围绕土壤生物修复、生态施肥在陕西、内蒙等地展了试验示范工作,累积示范面积达10万亩。