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2009.12-今  教授, 3044am永利集团3044noc资环学院

2000.7-2009.12  副教授, 3044am永利集团3044noc资环学院

1995.7-2000.7  讲师, 西北农业大学土化系

1993.7-1995.7 助教  西北农业大学土化系

2014.9 –2015.3  获澳大利亚奋进奖学金(Endeavour scholarship)资助, 在澳大利亚的University of South Australia开展合作研究。

2005.3-2007.4 访问学者,澳大利亚南澳大学CRC-CARE研究中心

2000.3-2002.4 博士后, 中国科学院南京土壤研究所

1995.9-1999.7 博士, 西北农业大学土壤学专业

1990.9-1993.7 硕士,西北农业大学土化系

1986.9-1990.7  学士,西北农业大学土化系






(3) 国家重点研发计划子课题“农药化工污染场地微波强化-化学氧化协同修复技术与示范”, 2018-2022,参加人;

(4) 农业部项目子课题“农产品产地重金属污染监测”,2019-2019,参加人;

(5) 国家自然科学基金项目“好氧砷还原菌Pantoea sp.IMH对吸附态砷迁移转化的调控机理”,2017.1-2019.12,参加人;

(6) 农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项“黄土高原绿肥作物生产与利用技术集成研究及示范”,2008.01—2010.12,



1) Chaoyang Liu, Haixia Tian, Huayong Li, Wei Xie, Ziquan Wang, Mallavarapu Megharaj, Wenxiang He*. The accuracy in the assessment of arsenic toxicity using soil alkaline phosphatase depends on soil water contents,  Ecological Indicators ,2019,102:457-465,

2) Yinghui Ma, Lijun Li, Haixia Tian, Meihua Lu, Mallavarapu Megharaj, Wenxiang HE*, Transcriptional Analysis of the Laccase-like Gene from Burkholderia cepacia BNS and Expression in Escherichia coli,  Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology , 2019,103(2):747-760

3) Wang, Z., Tian, H., Tan, X., Wang, F., Jia, H., Megharaj, M., He, W.*, Long-term as contamination alters soil enzyme functional stability in response to additional heat disturbance,  Chemosphere  , 2019,229: 471-480

4) Guannan Lu, Haixia Tian, Ziquan Wang, Huayong Li, Mallavarapu Megharaj, Wenxiang He*.  The distribution of arsenic fractions and alkaline phosphatase activities in different soil aggregates following four months As(V) ageing,  Chemosphere ,2019, 236,

5) Tian, HX, Wang, J, Li, JY, Wang, YJ, Mallavarapu, M, He, WX*. Six New Families of Aerobic Arsenate Reducing Bacteria: Leclercia, Raoultella, Kosakonia, Lelliottia, Yokenella, and Kluyvera,  G  eomicrobiology   J  ournal,  2019, 36(4):339-347

6) Zhangxiong Han, Dejun Wan, Haixia Tian, Wenxiang He*,Ziquan Wang, Qiang Liu, Pollution Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soils and Plants around a Molybdenum Mine in Central China,  Pol. J. Environ. Stud . 2019, 28(1): 1-11,

7) Ziquan Wang, Haixia Tian, Guannan Lu, Yiming Zhao, Rui Yang,Mallavarapu Megharaj, Wenxiang He*, Catalytic efficiency is a better predictor of arsenic toxicity to soil alkaline phosphatase, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety , 2018,148:721-728,

8) Ziquan WangXiangping TanGuannan LuYanju LiuRavi NaiduWenxiang He*, Soil properties influence kinetics of soil acid phosphatase in response to arsenic toxicity, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety  , 2018, 147: 266–274,

9) Haixia Tian, Yiming Zhao, Mallavarapu Megharaj, Wenxiang He*. Arsenate inhibition on kinetic characteristics of alkaline phosphatase as influenced by pH,  Ecological Indicators,  2018, 85: 1101–1106

10) Xiangping Tan, Megan B. Machmuller, ZiquanWang, Xudong Li,Wenxiang He*,M. Francesca Cotrufo, Weijun Shen. Temperature enhances the affinity of soil alkaline phosphatase to Cd,  Chemosphere, 2018, 196: 214-222,

11) Guannan LuHaixia TianYanju LiuRavi NaiduZiquan Wang,Wenxiang He*, Using Qmsax to evaluate the reasonable As adsorption on soils with different pH, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety  ,  2018,160: 308–315,

12) Xiangping TanYike HeZiquan WangChenghui LiLong KongHaixia TianWeijun ShenMallavarapu MegharajWenxiang He*, Soil mineral alters the effect of Cd on the alkaline phosphatase activity, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety  , 2018,161:78–84,

13) Ziquan Wang, YuBiao Li, Xiangping Tan, Wenxiang HE*, Wei Xie, M. Megharaj, G. H. Wei. Effect of arsenate contamination on free, immobilized and soil alkaline phosphatases: activity, kinetics and thermodynamics, European Journal of Soil Science,  2017,68(1):126-135.

14) Xiangping Tan, Yanju Liu, Kenny Yan, Ziquan Wang, Guannan Lu, Yike HE, Wenxiang HE*. Differences in the response of soil dehydrogenase activity to Cd contamination are determined by the different substrates used for its determinationChemosphere  ,2017, 169(4):324-332

15) Xiangping Tan, Ziquan Wang, Guannan Lu, Wenxiang He*, Gehong Wei,Feng Huang, Xinlan Xu, Weijun Shen. Kinetics of soil dehydrogenase in response to exogenous Cd toxicity.  Journal of Hazardous Materials,  2017, 329(5): 299–309

16) Haixia TianLong Kong , Mallavarapu MegharajWenxiang He*, Contribution of attendant anions on cadmium toxicity to soil enzymes, Chemosphere , 2017,187(11): 19–26,

17) 李丹维,王紫泉,田海霞, 和文祥*,耿增超.太白山不同海拔土壤碳、氮、磷含量及生态化学计量特征.土壤学报,2017,54(1):160-170

18) 程 虎,王紫泉,周 琨,钱 爽,卞永荣, 和文祥*,吕家珑. 木醋液对碱性土壤微生物数量及酶活性的影响. 中国环境科学 2017,37(2):696~701

19) 杜 威,王紫泉, 和文祥*,高亚军,曹卫东.豆科绿肥对渭北旱塬土壤养分及生态化学计量学特征影响.土壤学报,2017,54(4):999-1008

20) 曹永昌,杨瑞,刘帅,王紫泉,和文祥*,耿增超.秦岭典型林分夏秋两季根际与非根际土壤微生物群落结构.生态学报,2017,37( 5) : 1667-1676.

21) 赵翊明王紫泉田海霞,和文祥*,李道恒,不同pH下碱性磷酸酶对As(Ⅴ)污染的响应,3044am永利集团3044noc学报(自然科学版) ,2018,46(7):66-72

22) 王姣,田海霞,和文祥*,蜈蚣草内生及根际砷还原菌的表征. 农业环境科学学报, 2018, 37(12):2765-2773.

23) Wenxiang He, Mallavarapu Megharaj, Ravi Naidu. Toxicity of perfluorooctanoic acid towards earthworm and enzymatic activities in soil,  Environ Monit Assess   , 2016, 188:424

24) 谢伟、和文祥*、王紫泉、谭向平、卢冠男、杜威、韦革宏.  基于水分变化的砷抑制土壤碱性磷酸酶动力学特征研究. 环境科学学报, 2016,36(5):1816⁃1823

25) 杨瑞、刘帅、王紫泉、曹永昌、赵翊明、和文祥*、耿增超. 秦岭山脉典型林分土壤酶活性与土壤养分关系的探讨. 土壤学报,2016,53(4):1037-1046

26) 谢 伟、谭向平、田海霞、王紫泉、杨瑞、韦革宏、和文祥*. 土壤水分对稻田土壤有效砷及碱性磷酸酶活性影响. 中国环境科学 2016,36(8):2418~2424

27) 曹永昌、谭向平、和文祥*、耿增超、刘帅、佘雕、侯林.秦岭地区不同林分土壤微生物群落代谢特征.生态学报,2016,36( 10) : 2978-2986.

28) 谭向平、王紫泉、张晶、和文祥*、韦革宏.Cd 对我国不同类型土壤硝化活性影响的主控因子研究.环境科学学报,2016,36( 7) : 2624-2630

29) 刘帅、王紫泉、田海霞、李丹丹、耿增超、和文祥*. 基于生态化学计量学的秦岭林地养分特征初探. 水土保持学报,2016,30(4):194-198,248


Email: wxhe1968@163.com,wenxiang.he@nwafu.edu.cn

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