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  2012.09—2016.06 :山西农业大学 农业资源与环境 本科

  2016.09—2021.06 3044am永利集团3044noc 土壤学 硕博 (提前攻博)

  2021.07至今 3044am永利集团3044noc 副教授




  2021.07—2023.07 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金:不同有机物料添加对土壤N2O排放的影响因素研究,主持

  2022.10—2024.03 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室开放基金:干旱胁迫下秸秆碳在黄土高原旱地土壤中的转化与固定机制,主持

  2022.10—2023.10 省部级项目子课题:全国农田氮磷流失等监测评价-陕西省地膜污染残留量原位监测,主持

  2023.09—2024.12 陕西省博士后科研项目一等资助:磁性海藻酸钙固定白腐真菌强化堆肥削减粪源铜和抗生素抗性基因的分子机制研究,主持

  2023.10—2024.10 地市级项目:咸阳市安全利用类耕地修复项目,主持

  2024.01—2025.12 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目(青年):污泥高效厌氧消化过程中微塑料生物膜及其表面ARGs赋存特征研究,主持

  2021.01—2024.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目:冻结与淋洗协同驱动的土壤重金属迁移过程与影响机制,参与



1. Yang Yajun, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ren Xiuna, Guo Honghong, Lv Jialong*. Effect of bean dregs on nitrogen transformation and bacterial dynamics during pig manure composting. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 288: 121430. (SCI 1, IF=11.889)

2. Yang Yajun, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Du Wei, Ren Xiuna, Lei Tong, Lv Jialong*. Compost supplementation with nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emissions during pig manure composting. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 297: 122435. (SCI 1, IF=11.889)

3. Yang Yajun, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Ren Xiuna, Guo Honghong, Lv Jialong*. Effect of bean dregs amendment on the organic matter degradation, humification, maturity and stability of pig manure composting. Science of the total environment. 2019, 708: 134623. (SCI 1, IF=10.753)

4. Yang Yajun, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Bao Huanyu, Bie Jingya, Lei Shuang, Lv Jialong*. Exploring the microbial mechanisms of organic matter transformation during pig manure composting amended with bean dregs and biochar. Bioresource Technology. 2020, 313: 123647. (SCI 1, IF=11.889)

5. Yang Yajun, Mukesh Kumar Awasthi, Wu Lulu, Ying Yan, Lv Jialong*. Microbial driving mechanism of biochar and bean dregs on NH3 and N2O emissions during composting. Bioresource Technology. 2020, 315: 123829. (SCI 1 , IF=11.889)

6. Yang Yajun# , Du Wei# , Cui Ziying, Zhao Tingwei, Wang Xiaohong, Lv Jialong*. Spectroscopic characteristics of dissolved organic matter during pig manure composting with bean dregs and biochar amendments. Microchemical Journal. 2020, 158: 105226. (SCI 2, IF=5.304, 共同一作)

7. Yang Yajun, Lei Tong, Du Wei, Liang Chenglong, Li Hongda, Lv Jialong*. Substituting chemical fertilizer nitrogen with organic manure and comparing their 3 nitrogen use efficiency and winter wheat yield. Journal of Agricultural Science. 2020, 1-7. (SCI 3, IF=2.603)

8. Yang Yajun, Du Wei, Cui Ziying, Lei Shuang, Lei Tong, Lv Jialong*. Effects of plastic film mulching on soil water use efficiency and wheat yield in the Loess Plateau of China. Arid Land Research and Management. 2020, 1-14. (SCI 4, IF=1.955)

9. Yang Yajun# , Liu Hexiang# , Dai Yunchao, Tian Haixia, Zhou Wei, Lv Jialong*. Soil organic carbon transformation and dynamics of microorganisms under different organic amendments. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 750: 141719. (SCI 1 , IF=10.753, 共同一作)

10. Yang Yajun, Liu Hexiang, Lv Jialong*. Evaluation of the applicability of organic amendments from microbially driven carbon and nitrogen transformations. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 817: 153020. (SCI 1, IF=10.753)

11. Yang Yajun, Liu Hexiang, Lv Jialong*. Response of N2O emission and denitrification genes to different inorganic and organic amendments. Scientific Reports. 2022, 12: 3940. (SCI 3, IF=4.996)

12. Liu Hexiang# , Yang Yajun# , Yang Yizhe, Zhong Xianbao, Lv Jialong. Dynamics of fungal and bacterial communities in different types of soil ageing with different dosages of cadmium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2022, 242: 113860. (SCI 2, IF=7.129, 共同一作)

13. Fang Xianhui, Zhong Xianbao, Cui Ziying, Zhang Yang, Du Wei, Yang Yajun*, Jialong Lv**. Distribution and Remediation Techniques of Heavy Metals in Soil Aggregates Perspective: A Review. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2023, 234: 631. (SCI 4, IF=2.9, 共同通讯)

14. Zhong Xianbao# , Yang Yajun# , Hexiang Liu, Xianhui Fang, Yaohui Zhang, Ziying Cui, Jialong Lv*. New insights into the sustainable use of soluble straw humic substances for the remediation of multiple heavy metals in contaminated soil. Science of the Total Environment. 2023, 903: 166274. (SCI 1, IF=9.8, 共同一作)

15. Yang Yajun, Liu Hexiang, Zhang Yang, Fang Xianhui, Zhong Xianbao, Lv Jialong*, Contribution of ammonia‑oxidizing archaea and bacteria to nitrogen transformation in a soil fertilized with urea and organic amendments. Scientific Reports. 2023, 13: 20722. (SCI 3, IF=4.6)4

16. Liu Hexiang, Lv Jialong*, Yang Yajun**. Recyclable water-modified deep eutectic solvents for removal of multiple heavy metals from soil. Chemosphere. 2024, 350: 141141. (SCI 2, IF=8.8, 共同通讯)

17. Yang Yajun#, *, Liu Hexiang# , Chen Yi, Wu Lijuan, Huang Guan, Lv Jialong. Soil nitrogen cycling gene abundances in response to organic amendments: A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 2024, 921: 171048. (SCI 1, IF=9.8)

18. Yang Yajun*, Liu Hexiang, Fang Xianhui, Wu Mengyuan, Lv Jialong**. Identification of the soil physicochemical and bacterial indicators for soil organic carbon and nitrogen transformation under the wheat straw returning. Plos One. 2024, 19(4): e0299054. (SCI 3, IF=3.7, 共同通讯)

19. Yajun Yang*, Hexiang Liu, Hui Wang, Chengjuan Li, Jialong Lv**. Strategies of soil microbial N-cycling in different cadmium contaminated soil with wheat straw return. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2024, 278: 116406. (SCI 2, IF=6.8, 共同通讯)


2018—2019 博士研究生国家奖学金、一等学业奖学金

2019—2020 博士研究生国家奖学金、一等学业奖学金、优秀研究生

2021 陕西省农业技术推广成果奖二等奖“陕南汉丹江水源涵养区水稻种植中减肥减药防治技术集成与示范”(2/23)


《旱地小麦施肥技术规程》DB6111/T 159-2020

《旱地麦田土壤培肥技术规程》 DB6111/T 158-2020






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