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1. 陕西省农业农村厅农业关键核心技术项目:双碳微生物高值化利用与耕地质量提升技术集成应用,20231-202312月,主持;

2. 陕西格里菲斯生态科技有限公司:藻基液体有机肥的研制与肥力特征分析,202210-20239月,主持;

3. 旬阳县农业技术推广站:旬阳县受污染耕地防治工作方案编制,20199月-201912月,主持;

4. 旬阳县农业技术推广站:旬阳县农产品重金属含量辅助检测,20199月-201912月,主持;

5. 国家重点研发项目子课题:西北春麦盐碱土区磷肥利用率提升技术集成研究与示范,20187-202012月,主持;

6. 陕西省土地整治重点实验室项目:中-轻度盐渍化土壤颗粒有机改良材料研究,201810-202110月,主持;

7. 陕西省引进博士项目:北方旱地土壤难溶性磷挖掘利用技术研究,20184-20214月,主持;

8. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:基于DGT技术的土壤中经扩散的可溶性磷特征及其生物有效性研究,201701-201912月,主持;

9. 3044am永利集团3044noc博士科研启动项目:基于梯度扩散薄膜(DGT)技术的土壤有效磷、有效钾分布及其供应能力研究,20161-201812月,主持;


1. Ting Fan, Yulin Zhang?, Xudong Wang?, Yonghua Zhao, Andong Shi, Xia Zhang. Application of various high-density organic materials in soil promotes germination and increases nutrient content of wheat. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2023, 32: 103298.

2. Huixuan Yi, Shengchao Hu, Yulin Zhang*, Xudong Wang, Zhenqing Xia, Yuting Lei, Min Duan. Proper delay of phosphorus application promotes wheat growth and nutrient uptake under low phosphorus condition. Agriculture, 2023, 134): 134), 884.

3. Xia Zhang, Luodi Guo, Yongsheng Hu, Shaoqi Xue, Yulin Zhang*, Xudong Wang*. Soil carbon sequestration and aggregate stability improvement by tillage methods in China's Loess Plateau. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2023, 6910): 1718-1733.

4. Zhang, Xia; Wang, Minge; Zhang, Dandan; Zhang, Yulin*; Wang*, Xudong. Increasing soil organic carbon pools and wheat yields by optimising tillage and fertilisation on the Loess Plateau in China. European Journal of Soil Science, 2022, 731): ejss.13197.

5. Liyan He, Sixu Lu, Chenguang Wang, Jun Mu, Yulin Zhang*, Xudong Wang*. Changes in soil organic carbon fractions and enzyme activities in response to tillage practices in the Loess Plateau of China. Soil & Tillage Research, 2021, 209: 104940.

6. Yulin Zhang, Xiao Wang, Xudong Wang, Ming Li. Effects of land use on characteristics of water-extracted organic matter in soils of arid and semi-arid regions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 2625): 26052-26059.

7. Yulin Zhang, Yanli Wang, Yaru Tan, Limin Li, Xudong Wang. How air-drying affects DGT P results in calcareous soils. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2018, 283): 1507-1515.

8. Yulin Zhang, Pengfei Duan, Ping Zhang, Ming Li. Variations in cyanobacterial and algal communities and soil characteristics under biocrust development under similar environmental conditions. Plant Soil, 2018, 429: 241-251.

9. Zhonghui Li, Binmeng Wei, Xudong Wang, Yulin Zhang, Afeng Zhang. Response of soil organic carbon fractions and CO2 emissions to exogenous composted manure and calcium carbonate. Journal of Soil and Sediments, 2018, 185): 1832-1843.

10. Zhonghui Li, Meng Wang, Yan Yang, Shixiang Zhao, Yulin Zhang, Wang Xudong. Effect of composted manure plus chemical fertilizer application on aridity response and productivity of apple trees on the loess plateau, China. Arid Land Research and Management, 2017, 314): 388-403.

11. Yunchao Dai, Mubasher Nasir, Yulin Zhang, Jiakai Gao, Yamin Lv, Jialong Lv. Comparison of DGT with traditional extraction methods for assessing arsenic bioavailability to Brassica chinensis in different soils. Chemosphere. 2017, 191: 183-189.

12. Yunchao Dai, Mubasher Nasir, Yulin Zhang, Haiming Wu, Honghong Gao, Jialong Lv. Comparison of DGT with traditional methods for assessing cadmium bioavailability to Brassica chinensis in different soils. Scientific Reports. 2017, 7: 1-9.

13. Yulin Zhang*, Guna Nachimuthu, Sean Mason, Mike McLaughlin, Ann McNeill, Mike Bell. Comparison of soil analytical methods for estimating wheat potassium fertilizer requirements in response to contrasting plant K demand in the glasshouse. Scientific Reports 2017; 7: 11391.

14. Yulin Zhang*, Sean Mason, Ann McNeill and Michael J McLaughlin. Application of the diffusive gradients in thin films technique for available potassium measurement in agricultural soils: effects of competing cations on potassium uptake by the resin gel. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2014, 842: 27-34.

15. Yulin Zhang*, Sean Mason, Ann McNeill and Michael J McLaughlin. Optimisation of the diffusive gradients in thin films DGT) method for simultaneous assay of potassium and plant-available phosphorus in soils. Talanta. 2013, 113: 123-129.

16. Sean Mason, Ann McNeill, Yulin Zhang, Michael J McLaughlin and Chris Guppy. Application of Diffusive Gradients in Thin-films DGT) to measure potassium and sulphur availability in agricultural soils. In 16th Australia agronomy conference. 2011.

17. 张育林*,李雪嫣,高天,张祥。 乡村振兴背景下我国北方地区现代化近郊村建设思考。 安徽农业科学,20235118): 258-262

18. 范庭,刘娜,张霞,张育林*,王旭东*,于坚。 不同配料颗粒秸秆施用对土壤速效养分及小麦生长的影响。 干旱地区农业研究 2020386): 84-90

19. 谭雅茹,薛少琪,王子菡,李晨,张育林,王旭东。 不同土壤改良材料对河西走廊土壤磷素有效性和形态转化的影响[J].北方园艺,2020,(16): 83-91

20. 谭雅茹,张育林,王旭东。 不同改良材料对灌漠土微生物量磷及生物有效性影响。干旱区农业研究,2020386): 98-104

21. 王彦丽,范庭,王旭东,张育林*,李利敏,郑洺钧,刘雅茜。 长期磷肥不均投入下黄土高原土壤磷素有效性及与土壤性质关系分析。 水土保持学报,2019335):237-242

22. 张阿凤,邵慧芸,成功,杜红宇,张育林,王旭东,张艳玲。 小麦生物质炭对烤烟生长及根际土壤理化性质的影响。 3044am永利集团3044noc学报(自然科学版),2018466):1-10

23. 成功,康健,张育林,张阿凤,王旭东,张艳玲。 生物质炭施用对烟草漂浮育苗中出苗及幼苗生长的影响。 陕西农业科学,2017633):6-10

24. 张育林,王益权*,胡海燕,孙蕾,徐海。 陕西关中地区农田土壤物理状态初探。 干旱地区农业研究,2012291):75-79

25. 孙蕾,王益权,张育林,李建波,胡海燕。 种植果树对土壤物理性状的双重效应。 中国生态农业学报,2011191):19-23

26. 胡海燕,王益权,张育林,孙蕾,徐海。 污染的灌溉水对农田土壤养分平衡的作用与影响。 干旱地区农业研究,2010285):129-132

27. 王金贵,王益权,徐海,冯小龙,王永健,伏耀龙,张育林。 关中农田土壤有机质和碳酸钙空间变异特征及其机理分析。 干旱地区农业研究,2009276):23-32

28. 王永健,伏耀龙,王益权,喻建波,徐海,王金贵,张育林。 油页岩有机碳矿化特征及在栽培基质中应用可行性分析。 干旱地区农业研究,2009275):137-143


1. 一种防止气体侧逸的土柱容器。 专利号:ZL 2022 2 2642701.8;授权公告日:2023324

2. 一种连续土壤容重样品采集装置。 专利号:ZL 2022 2 2203077.1;授权公告日:20221230日;

3. 参编谢英荷主编教材《土壤学》(第3版);出版日期:20232月;


1. The 9th International Conference on Energy, Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development, 2022, Xuzhou China Online, oral presentation);

2. 20th International Soil Tillage Research Organization Conference ISTRO), September 2015, Nanjing, China Oral presentation);

3. The 20th World Soil Congress, June 2014, ICC Jeju, South Korea Poster presentation);

4. The Joint Australian and New Zealand Soil Science Conference, December 2012, Tasmania, Australia Poster presentation)。





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