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钱勋,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为环境微生物学和微生物生态学。近年来发表 SCI 论文 30 余篇,其中第一作者论文发表在  PNAS 、  Microbiome 、 Journal of Hazardous Materials  等期刊上,篇入选 ESI 高被引论文。以第一发明人获国家发明专利 件,获陕西省科学技术二等奖 项。主要承担本科生《分子生物学》课程教学。


2021.09-至今, 3044am永利集团3044noc,3044am永利集团3044noc,教授

2017.03-2021.08Michigan State UniversityCenter for Microbial Ecology,博士后 2011.09-2016.12,3044am永利集团3044noc,环境科学专业,博士



1、环境抗生素抗性基因(Environment Antibiotic Resistome):环境中的抗生素抗性基因的定量风险评价模型、抗生素抗性基因在不同生境中的转移途径与机制、抗生素抗性基因的风险阻控技术

2、深层土壤微生物学(Deep Soil Microbiology):基于多组学和分子生物学研究深层土壤中的未培养微生物,揭示未培养土壤微生物的基因组、功能潜力与生态意义


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2023.01—2026.12,主持,在研

2. 科技部高端外国专家引进项目,2022.01—2023.12,主持,在研

3. 陕西省秦创原引进高层次创新创业人才项目,2021.09—2024.09,主持,在研

4. 3044am永利集团3044noc引进人才启动经费,2021.09—2026.08,主持,在研


1. Qian X, Gunturu S, Sun W, Cole J, Norby B, Gu J, Tiedje J.M. 2021. Long-read sequencing revealed co- occurrence, host range and potential mobility of antibiotic resistome in cow feces.  PNAS ,118 (25) e2024464118.

2. Qian X, Gunturu S, Guo J, Chai B, Cole J.R., Gu J, Tiedje J.M. 2021. Metagenomic analysis reveals the shared and distinct features of the soil resistome across tundra, temperate prairie and tropical ecosystems,  Microbiome , 9, 108.

3. Qian X, Sun W, Gu J, Wang X, Li H, 2019. Effects of passivators on antibiotic resistance genes and related mechanisms during composting of copper-enriched pig manure.  Science of the Total   Environment .674:383-391.

4. Qian X, Gu J, Sun W, Wang X, Su J, Stedfeld R. 2018. Diversity, abundance, and persistence of antibiotic resistance genes in various types of animal manure following industrial composting,  Journal   of   hazardous   materials , 344: 716-722. * ESI   Highly   Cited   Paper

5. Qian X, Sun W, Gu J, Wang X, Sun J, Yin Y, Duan M, 2016. Variable effects of oxytetracycline on antibiotic resistance gene abundance and the bacterial community during aerobic composting of cow manure,  Journal   of   Hazardous   Materials , 315: 61-69. * ESI   High   Cited   Paper

6. Qian X, Sun W, Gu J, Wang X, Zhang Y, Duan M, Li H, Zhang R, 2016. Reducing antibiotic resistance genes, integrons, and pathogens in dairy manure by continuous thermophilic composting.  Bioresource Technology , 216: 801–807.

7. Qian X, Gu J, Sun W, Li Y, Fu Q, Wang X, Gao H, 2014. Changes in the soil nutrient levels, enzyme activities, microbial community function, and structure during apple orchard maturation.  Applied Soil Ecology , 77: 18–25.

8. Qian X, Gu J, Pan H, Zhang K, Sun W, Wang X, Gao H, 2015. Effects of living mulches on the soil nutrient contents, enzyme activities, and bacterial community diversities of apple orchard soils.  European Journal of Soil Biology , 70: 23–30.

9. Hu T, Zhen L, Gu J, Wang X, Sun W, Song Z, Xie J, An L, Luo B, Qian X. 2022. Clarifying the beneficial effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria for reducing abundances of antibiotic resistance genes during swine manure composting.  Bioresource   Technology , 353, p.127117.

10. Jiao S, Qi J, Jin C, Liu Y, Wang Y, Pan H, Chen S, Liang C, Peng Z, Chen B, Qian X, Wei G. 2022. Core phylotypes enhance the resistance of soil microbiome to environmental changes to maintain multifunctionality in agricultural ecosystems.  Global   Change   Biology .

11. Xi J, Lei B, Liu YX, Ding Z, Liu J, Xu T, Hou L, Han S, Qian X, Ma Y, Xue Q, Gao J, Gu J, Tiedje JM, Lin YB. 2022. Microbial community roles and chemical mechanisms in the parasitic development of Orobanche cumana.  iMeta , 1(3), p.e31.

12. Ji W, Huang Y, Qian X, Bai E, Smith CK, Li Z. 2022. Conversion from farmland to orchards has minor effects on nitrogen biological processes in deep loess deposits.  Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment , 338:108111.

13. Guo H, Gu J, Wang X, Song Z, Qian X, Sun W, Nasir M, and Yu J. 2021. Negative effects of oxytetracycline and copper on nitrogen metabolism in an aerobic fermentation system: Characteristics and mechanisms.  Journal   of   Hazardous   Materials  403: 123890.

14. Sun W, Gu J, Wang X, Qian X, and Peng H. 2019. Solid-state anaerobic digestion facilitates the removal

of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements from cattle manure.  Bioresource technology  274: 287-295.

15. Sun W, Gu J, Wang X, Qian X, and Tuo X. 2018. Impacts of biochar on the environmental risk of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements during anaerobic digestion of cattle farm wastewater.  Bioresource technology  256: 342-349.

16. Wang X, Gu J, Gao H, Qian X, and Li H. 2018. Abundances of clinically relevant antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community diversity in the Weihe River, China.  International journal of environmental research and public health  15, 4: 708.

17. Sun W, Gu J, Wang X, Qian X, Tuo X. 2018. Impacts of biochar on the environmental risk of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements during anaerobic digestion of cattle farm wastewater.  Bioresource technology . 256:342-9.

18. Duan M, Li H, Gu J, Tuo X, Sun W, Qian X, Wang X. 2017. Effects of biochar on reducing the abundance of oxytetracycline, antibiotic resistance genes, and human pathogenic bacteria in soil and lettuce.  Environmental   Pollution , 224:787-795.

19. Li H, Duan M, Gu J, Zhang, Y., Qian X, Ma, J., et al. 2017. Effects of bamboo charcoal on antibiotic resistance genes during chicken manure composting.  Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety , 140:1-6.

20. Li Y, Gu J, Zhang SQ, Shi LX, Sun W, Qian X, Duan ML, Yin YN, and Wang XJuan. 2018. Effects of adding compound microbial inoculum on microbial community diversity and enzymatic activity during co- composting.  Environmental   Engineering   Science  35, 4: 270-278.

21. Sun W, Qian X, Gu J, et al. 2017. Effects of inoculation with organic phosphorus-mineralizing bacteria on soybean (Glycine max) growth and indigenous bacterial community diversity.  Canadian Journal of Microbiology , 63(5).

22. Song W, Wang X, Gu J, Zhang S, Yin Y, Li Y, Qian X, Sun W. 2017. Effects of different swine manure to wheat straw ratios on antibiotic resistance genes and the microbial community structure during anaerobic digestion.  Bioresource   Technology , 231:1-8.

23. Sun W, Qian X, Gu J, et al. 2017. Mechanisms and effects of arsanilic acid on antibiotic resistance genes and microbial communities during pig manure digestion.  Bioresour Technol , 234:217-223.

24. Sun J, Qian X, Gu J, Wang X, Hua G. Effects of oxytetracycline on the abundance and community structure of nitrogen-fixing bacteria during cattle manure composting.  Bioresource Technology , 2016, 216, 801–807.

25. Wang X, Pan H, Gu J, Qian X, et al. 2016. Effects of oxytetracycline on archaeal community, and tetracycline resistance genes in anaerobic co-digestion of pig manure and wheat straw.  Environmental Technology , 37(24):3177.

26. Yin YN, Song W, Gu J, Zhang KY, Qian X, Zhang X, Zhang YJ, Li Y, Wang XJ. 2016. Effects of copper on the abundance and diversity of ammonia oxidizers during dairy cattle manure composting.  Bioresource Technology , 221, 181-187.

27. Zhang R, Gu J, Wang X, Qian X, et al. 2016. Relationships between sulfachloropyridazine sodium, zinc, and sulfonamide resistance genes during the anaerobic digestion of swine manure.  Bioresource Technology , , 225:343.

28. Sun W, Qian X, Gu J, Wang XJ, Duan ML. 2016. Mechanism and effect of temperature on variations in antibiotic resistance genes during anaerobic digestion of dairy manure.  Scientific Reports , 6.

29. Zhang Y, Li H, Gu J, Qian X, Yin Y, Li Y, et al. 2016. Effects of adding different surfactants on antibiotic resistance genes and inti1, during chicken manure composting.  Bioresource Technology , 219, 545-551.

30. Duan M, Yang J, Gu J, Qian X, Wei S, Hua G, et al. 2016. Effects of sulphamethazine and zinc on the functional diversity of microbial communities during composting.  Environmental Technology , 37(11), 1-35.


1. 钱勋,谷洁,高华,孙薇,王小娟,秦清军。一种全自动好氧试验设备,2015,中国,发明专利,专利号:ZL201310695826.X

2. 钱勋,马骏,谷洁,孙薇,高华,王小娟。一种自动厌氧发酵装置,2017,中国,发明专利,专利号:ZL201510387171.9

3. 钱勋,孙薇,马骏,谷洁,王小娟,高华。一种用于有机蔬菜种植的生物有机肥及其制备方法,



1. 钱勋(8/9),2015. 农业废弃物肥料化利用关键技术研究与应用,陕西省科学技术二等奖

2. Qian Xun. 2018. Evaluating the mobility potential of antibiotic resistance genes by long-read sequencing, Michigan State University, James Tiedje Travel Award


1. Qian Xun, Rozeboom Dale, May Gerald, Tiedje James. 2019. Changes in resistome of pig manure after new FDA rules: a study in pig farms in Michigan, United States. 5th International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, HongKong, China

2. Qian Xun, Gunturu Santosh, Chai Benli, Cole R. James, Tiedje M. James. 2018. Evaluating the mobility potential of antibiotic resistance genes by long-read sequencing. the 17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME), Leipzig, Germany

3. Qian Xun, Gu Jie, Wang XiaoJuan, Sun Wei, Zhang Kaiyu. 2017. Industrial composting has inconsistent effects on ARGs from different animal manures, 4th International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, Lansing, Michigan, United States

4. Qian Xun. 2021. Antibiotic resistome in environment, a global public health threat. 2021 Silk Road International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education Research and Application. Yangling, Shaanxi, China

5. 钱勋,2021. 环境抗性组转移风险评价第七届全国生态毒理学大会,广西桂林


1. 硕博士研究生招生:欢迎对微生物学和环境科学感兴趣的同学报考,环境科学


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3. 长期招聘博士后:欢迎具有环境科学、微生物学、生物信息学、分子生物学、生态学背景的博士后,依据申请者学术背景年薪 15~35 万,并根据3044am永利集团3044noc规定享受住房补贴、社保、子女入学等福利。支持申报各类基金和人才计划项目,优秀者可直接以(副)高级职称留校任教。




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